Executive Board Roles

The President shall:
  1. Preside over all meetings of the Members of the Association;
  2. Call Special Meetings of the Members of the Association;
  3. Perform all acts and duties usually performed by an executive and presiding officer;
  4. Sign such papers of the Association as he or she may be authorized or directed to sign by the Executive Board, from time to time, as well as all other papers as provided by law;
  5. Unless otherwise provided for in these By-laws, shall appoint committee members and their chairpersons; and
  6. Serve, ex officio, as a member of all committees other than the Nominations Committee and the Elections Committee.
The President-Elect shall perform such duties as the President and Board may assign, and except as otherwise provided, the duties of the President during the President’s absence. The President-Elect shall succeed to the office of President at the expiration of the President’s term.
Vice Presidents
The President shall divide the duties of this Association between two Vice-Presidents. It is the duty of the Vice-Presidents to see that the duties assigned to them by the President are functioning according to the Constitution and By-Laws of this Association, and research and make recommendations to the Board regarding future activities, developments and alterations or modifications to existing programs. The Vice-Presidents shall report to the President and the Executive Board on the activities of the committees under their jurisdiction and shall perform such other duties as assigned to them by the President of this
The Secretary shall keep minutes of meetings; send out notices; and shall be custodian of the records of the Association. The Secretary shall act as administrative assistant to the President; assist committees and chairpersons in carrying out the work of the committees; check the Association's post office box, deliver checks to the Treasurer if received between scheduled meetings in a timely matter; be the custodian of the Association's mailbox key; and shall perform such other duties that may be assigned by the Executive Board. The Secretary shall submit written monthly minutes after the conclusion of each executive board meeting and after each general body meeting. Upon being succeeded in office the Secretary must turn over all Association records and correspondence to the successor within thirty (30) days of the expiration of his/her term unless such term is extended until a replacement is elected. If the Secretary resigns prior to completing his/her term of office, the President shall appoint a new secretary after given written notice to the executive board as soon as possible after the vacancy.
The Treasurer shall perform any and all legal duties incident to the office of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the official custodian of funds of the Association. The Treasurer shall collect all dues and monies of the Association and shall direct the keeping of accurate books of the bank account. The Treasurer shall cause audits to be made periodically as ordered by the Executive Board and shall submit written financial reports to the Executive Board at each of its meetings and to the membership at membership meetings. The Treasurer shall keep and cause to be kept, proper vouchers of all sums to be disbursed. The Treasurer shall have the authorization to pay the invoice of the National Bar Association (NBA) when it is received annually on a timely basis since the Association is a member of the NBA. The Treasurer shall bill or cause to be billed all members for dues for the ensuing fiscal year of the Association, not later than thirty (30) days immediately preceding the commencement of such fiscal year. The Treasurer shall not open or close any accounts held in the name of the Association without prior Board approval. The treasurer shall perform all other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board or the President.
The Parliamentarian shall, when by the President or the presiding officer at any regular special meeting of the Executive Board or of the membership of this Association, give such rulings on such issues presented to him/her. The Parliamentarian shall attend the monthly meetings and make sure that Robert’s Rule of Order are followed.
At-Large Directors
The At-Large Directors shall, when requested, perform such duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board or President. The At-Large Directors shall attend monthly meetings of the general membership and monthly meetings of the Executive Board, maintain a liaison with other organizations that perform related activities and shall assist in the development and implementation of the policies and objectives of the Association. There shall be three (3) At-Large members of the Association. Each member shall serve for a term of three (3) years, with the terms of such members staggered so that the term of one At-Large member shall expire each year.
Immediate Past President
The immediate past president shall serve one (1) year past his/her term.
Ex Officio Director
Judge L. Clifford Davis shall serve as the Judicial Ex Officio Member until he resigns or is unable to do so.
The Executive Board shall appoint any judge or former judge, as a Judicial Ex Officio Director, who is a member in good standing of the Association, who resides in Tarrant County, or whose jurisdiction includes all or part of Tarrant County. The Ex-Officio Director(s) shall have all rights, powers, and privileges of Elected Directors.
Texas A&M School of Law Black Law Student Association Representative
The President of Texas A&M School of Law Black Law Student Association (BLSA) or his/her designee shall serve as student liaison. The Student Liaison shall work with the Executive Board to communicate the activities of the Association to the BLSA members at the local and national level and solicit and encourage BLSA members to participate in said activities. The Student Liaison will keep the Association reasonably informed of activities and projects that BLSA is involved in on Campus and beyond.